Archive for January, 2014

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Nine Years in Paris coming up in April but who’s counting-me! Most of real life is good, some not so good. Cest la vie as the French say. December weather was unusually sunny, lovely  Scarves are already around many necks, not for fashion, to protect the neck, what the French call the gateway to health. The dark side-the shadowy winter to come makes me miss Florida sunshine and beaches.

Have our lives changed living here across the big pond from the USA? Yes, we speak get by French and will probably never be fluent. We have adventured in  Italy, Spain, Holland, Portugual, Prague, Transilvania, Germany, Belgium, across France, and right here in our own Paris backyard, well balcony that offers a golden view of Notre Dame. The dark side- our honor looks to sell so we may be looking for another rental. What will be will be- French shrug!